Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tom Simmons Oct. 2008 clinic at Noble Beasts Ranch

Some of the photos taken by Sharon at:
from last fall's clinic on Horsemanship given by Tom Simmons of North Carolina. We bring Tom out at least twice a year for ongoing work with longtime clients and new folk wanting to improve their understanding of horses. Auditing is just as valuable as participating with a horse as Tom explains, as he goes, what he and the horse are doing and thinking. What he explains to folks is very important and gives anyone listening and watching, some "light bulb" moments for them to better understand how horses think and act in our world.

Tom works with people as well as their horses so they can continue the learning process at home and get along with their own horses more smoothly. It doesn't matter what breed, discipline, or level one is in currently, Tom can improve your understanding.

My particular interest is carriage driving. I know how important it is for my safety, as well as my horse and others around me that my horse is mannered, looks to me for direction and is obedient to what I ask. I have learned from Tom what I need to do for me to be able have confidence and get what I ask from my horse. These things don't come from just wanting them. One has to be taught these things and I am glad I have such an experienced guide.

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